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song/hymn lyrics

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Ha ethra modam en swagathathen


1 Ha ethra modam en swargathaten
Chollunnu than sneham-than vedathil
Kanunnathil njan vismaya’karyam
Yeshuvin sneha’mathi-vishesham;-

Ethra modam than snehikunnu
Snehikunnu snehikunne
Ethra modam than snehikunnu

2 Odiyalum thane njan marannu
Enne thana’tyantham snehikunnu
Than sneha-kaykalile’kodunnu
Yeshu than snehathe orkilinnu;-

3 Yeshu snehikunenne ethrayum
Snehicedunnu njan’avaveyum
Swargam than vittirangi snehathal
Krushil marichathum than snehathal;-

4 Visramamereyundeyuraappil
Aasrathalundu vazum ninnil
Cholluki’yeshu snehi’kuennennu
Sathan bhayannuden mandidunnu;-

5 Marja’sawndaryam kanumnneram
Padanenikulla pattivannam
Nithyathayil muzangunna ganam
Yehu snehi’kunnithenthashcharyam;-


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