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Halelujah stuti karenge, karenge
Halelujah, stuti karenge, karenge,
Yeshu ki stuti karenge, karenge,
Ha, halelujah halelujah halelujah (2)
1. Sada me stuti karunga
Aur sada tujhe yaad karunga (2)
Pavitra aatma se bharpur hokar,
Tere liye jiyunga (2)
2. Krus par jivan diya
Aur rakth bhi bahaya (2)
Paapo ko mitane aaya jagat mai,
Uski stuti karo (2)
3. Is jeevan bhar mai sada
Tujhko yaad karunga,
Teri iccha jaankar, teri aatma paakar
Aage hi badta rahunga (2)

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