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Halleluyah geetham padum
halleluyyah geetham paadum njaan
allalellaam maaripokume
karthan vaanil velippedumpol
kannerellaam neengippoyidum
1 enneshuvin ponmukham kaanum
mumpe poya priyare kaanum
kodaa kodi shudhare kaanum
ennum kandangaanandichidum;- halle...
2 rogam dukham nindayumilla
raathri shapam avideyilla
neethisooryan yeshuvin raajye
raajaakkalaay koode vaazhume;- halle...
3 ithra nalla rakshaye thanna
svantha jeevan yaagamaay thanna
yeshunathaa nin naamathine
nandiyode sthothram cheyyum njaan;- halle...
M M Abraham

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