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Halleluyah sthuthi paadidum njaan
Halleluyah sthuthi paadidum njaan
Van krupaye ennumorthidum najaan
parishudhane karunaanidhiye
sthuthikalkkellaam yogyanaayavane
Sakalatheyum srishti cheythavane
sakalathinum paripaalakane
sakalarilum paramonnathane
sarvashakthanum sarva’janiyum nee
karunayum dayayum ullavane
manassaliyunn mahaaprabhuve
vaathsalyathodenne cherthavane
maaraatha sneham pakarnnavane
aadiyum anthavumaayavane
urrappulla paarayum kottayume
vazhiyum sathyavumaayavane
krooshu chumannu’ thalarnnenikkaay
ghoramaam shikshaya’thettenikkaay
mulmudi choodiyathum enikkaay
jeevane nalkiyathum enikkaay

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