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Hey Prabhu devathaoh-Yeshu Jaisa Koi


Hey Prabhu devathaoh mein
Thaerey saman hi koan
Swarga mein ho ya tharthi par
Therey saman hi koan

Yeshu jaisa koi Nahi(4)
Swarga mein ho ya tharthi par
Therey saman hi koan(2)

Thurthong Kay bhojana say apney
logong Koh thriptha kya(2)
Therey jaisa hi naa koayi
Joa prem kare apney logong say(2)

Paap kaa dhaag mitaney
bahaya paapan lahoo(2)
Therey jaisa hi naa koayi
Joe balidhan huaa(2)

Mirthyu kaa bangthan ghola
Paathaal ko fatak ko jeetha(2)
Therey jaisa hi naa koayi
mirthyungjaya Jo huah(2)


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