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Innayolam thunachone iniyum
Inneyolam thunaechone iniyunm thunakka
Iha dukha rakshayum nee ieeen nithya graham
Nin simhasanaenizhalil nin shudhar paarkkunnu
Nin bhujam mathi avarkku nirebhayam vasippaan
Parvathangal nadum munbe pandu bhumieyekkaal
Parane nee anaadieyaai parkkuennallo sadaa
Aayiram varsham ninakku akunninnale ppol
Aadithyodaya munbile alpa yaamam pole
Nithyaenadi pole kaalam nithyam than makkale
Nithyaethwam pukieppikkunnu nidra poleeyathre
Inneyolam thunaechone iniyunm thunakka
Ihamevittuepriyumpol ieeen nithya graham

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