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Jayageetham padi nammal
Jayageetham padi nammal
Jayabheri muzakkiyathra cheyyam
Jayaveerana yeshunadhan
Jayameduppan krupa’chorigidume(2)
Anudina jeevitha shodhanayam
Alakal adikadi uyarnnidumpol (2)
Arul cheymanada'vachassukalal
Aashvasam thannidum arumanadhan;-
Sathante shakthi’kathe’tharakkan
Swadeenam cheythidum samayagalil(2)
Sadukklam namme swarganadan
Swanthanam nalki swatha’nthrakkum;-
Chuderidum maru’yathrayathil
Chanchala’chittaray theerathe(2)
Charidam yeshuvin sannidiyil
Chara’ttananjavan thangidume;-

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