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Jayam Jayam halleluyah
Jayam jayam halleluyah yeshuve
Jayam jayam halleluyah yeshuve
Ente shathruve thakarthene
Mithramay therthathinal
Jayam jayam halleluyah
Viduthal viduthal Yeshuvin namathil(2)
Saukhyam saukhyam yeshuvin namathil(2)
Ellaa banadhanamazhinjidatte
Shathru kottakal thakarnidatte
Aaraadhana uyarnnidatte
Daiva’mahathvam velippedatte(2)
Yeshurajan vanidaray
Thante sabhaye cherthidaray
Vattam malinyam kara chulukam
Vittumari nam orungi nilkkam(2)
Vishvasathode vannal
Aashvasam prapichidum
Aashvasa dayakaneshu
Aashayode vilichidunne(2)
Mohan Kanjiramannil

Please note that all the above lyrics are submitted by various website users and has no ownership over the data. In case of any Errors or any Edits ,Please Email us at We are happy to help you!
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