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Jeeva nayaka Jeeva nayaka


Jeeva nayaka Jeeva nayaka
Jeevan attatham sabhayil jeevann oothuka

Lokamitha papam kontu nasichu pokunney ie
Loka mahimayil muzhuki marannu Daivathey

Lokarin rakthathinu chuma thalapettor
Ayyo loka mayayil kitannuran gunney kashtam

Anthya kalpana anusarichu kolluvan -Oru
Chintha polumilla sabha thannil innaho

Penthakos thatmaviney ayakka
Daivamey ee chinthayatta njangaley Nin sakshi akkuka

Sakthi vannitumpol loka Aruthikalvarey - Nin
Sakshi akum ennuracha polarulka nee

Jeeva aviyal kathikka nin sabhyathil -nasha
Papikkay ullam neerunna sneha theeyiney


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