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song/hymn lyrics

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Jeevavulla devane baa


Jeevavulla devane baa

Jeeva margadhalle nadesu

Jeeva jaladha buggege

Jeeva hondhalu nadesu

Devane nee Mahonatha

Devane nee Parishudha

Devane nee Ollelva

Devane nee Vallabha

Vagdhanadha dhevare

Badhalagadha karthane

Vaakya nambhi bandhu ninthevu

Athmana maleya surisu – ninna

Paapigalu drohigalayya

Paapi aadam makkalu naavu

Paapi nanna dosha neegalu

Aparadhiyanthe Shilubegeridhe

Yesuve nee Mahonatha

Yesuve nee Parishudha

Yesuve nee Olelva

Yesuve nee Vallabha


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