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Jeevitha patha egotenorka jevante
Jeevithapatha engotten’nnorka
Jeevante nayaken kude undennum
Alangu’pokuvan anuvadikayilla
Nallidayan aalayil cherthidum;-
Nin vazikal nee bharameppichedu
Pokendum patha kanikum sarvada
Sathyavum jeevanum margavu’monne
Idarathe pokam vishwasa’pathayil
Vishala vathil nashatin patha
Jeevante margamo jerukamullathe
Kadannu poyidam nayaken pinpe nam
Ethidume vadatha veedathil;-
Neethiyin pathe gamanam cheytheedil
Neethiyin mozikal navil vannidum
Ucharicheduvan dhiryam pakarnnidum
Uddarika snehathin almaval;-

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