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Kahalam kettidarayi nazhika


1 kahalam kettidarayi nazhika ethidaray
yeshuvin nadathingal kallara thurannidaray
naam paranne poyidaray

haa ethra santhosham haa enthoranandam
yeshuvodu kodeyulla vasam orkkumpol(2)
(kahalam kettidarayi nazhika ethidaray)

2 vaanile lakshanangal kandidumpol
lokathin mattangal grahichidumpol
vanavan varavathu vathilkkalayenne
budhiyullor naam grahichidenam;-

3 illini samayam vereyillae
vishvasam thyajichidan idavaralle(2)
nirmala kantha than velikkorungidan
nithyathaekkay naam orungidame;-

Jeslet Benjamin


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