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song/hymn lyrics

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Kalam aasannamai


1 kaalam aasannamaay
kaanthan yeshuvaraaraay 2
kaahalam dhvanicheedume madhyaakashe
Suddharonnaay koodume

poyidaam poyidaam naam impadeshathe
chernnidum chernnidum svanthadeshathe
kashtthayillaatha kannuneerillaatha
puthanerushalemil chernnu vaanidaam

2 mannil maranja shuddhar
vinnil vilangi nilkkum
jeevanodirikkum naamum
prapikkumanne thejassin roopaantharam

3 jeeva jala nadiyaam
Shuddha palungutheeram
kunjaattin shobhayaalathe vilangi nilkkum
shuddharin paarppidamallo


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