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song/hymn lyrics

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Kalvariyil ninte perkkay than


Kaalvariyil ninte perkkaay than jeevane vedinja
Yeshuvinkal vanniduka paapashaapam neenguvaan

Jeevikkunnu yeshu jeevikkunnu ninakkaay jeevikkunnu
Inneleyum innum maaraathavanavan Ninakkaay jeevikkunnu

Ninnakruthyam neekki divya aashwaasam nalkidume
Ninte per than pusthakathil nirnnayam cherthidume

Kurudarkkavan kaazhcha nalkum chekidannu kelvi nalkum
Pakshavaatham neekkumavan bhoothathe shaasikkume

Aatmeeya jeevanil ninne nithyam nadathidume
Thannodanuroopanaakki ninne niruthidume

Innu thanne vanniduka ee divya rakshackkaayi
Than mozhikal nin jeevitham dhanyamaay maattidume


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