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Kanunnu njaan naadha ennum
Kanunnu njan naadha ennum
Nee enikkasrayamai
Paarithil paarthidum naal ennum
Nee ente maravidamai
1 Kashtata eeridum velayil enne
Veezhathe thangi ennum
Vaishyamyam eeridum paathayil ennum
Thangi nadathumaven;-
2 Karthavin sannidhiyil ennum
Aasrayam kandidumpol
Neekki thante rakthataal ente
Papathe muzhuvanai;-
3 Lokar enne pakachaalum
Maaratha snehithanaam
Veezhchayhil njaan vilikumpol
Thangi nadathumaven;-
Vinny George

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