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Karthavil balam dharippin


Karthavil balam dharippin (4)
Porkkala medukal chadi kayaruvin
Karthavil balam dharippin(2)

Rupantharappeduvin visvastharayirippin(2)
Parudheesayin jeeva vruksha phalam
Bhujippan balam dharippin(2)

Vishuddhare thiru sabhaye
Jayaberi muzhakkeduvin(2)
Sebabele yoshuvaye
aalayam panithiduvin(2)

Unarnnu jaagarippin
Chavin sheshippu shakthikarippin(2)
Vachanam kaathu nee ninnedukil
Kaanthandu kude vaazhume(2)


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