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Kathirunna naladuthithaa kanthaneshu
1 kaathirunna naladuthithaa kaanthaneshu vanniduvarayi
kaathirikkum than vishuddhare velicheyan meghevarume
kaanthane thaamasam aakumo aagamam(2)
kaathirunnu kankal mangunne thamasikkalle varaan preyaa (2)
2 rakthathale vendeduthatham sathyaesabhayonnaay modamay
aarthiyode nokkiparthatham suprabhatham ithradooramo;-
3 chettil kidannenne snehamay punyaninathale kazhuki
kara-vattam malinyamethum eshathe than mumpil nirthuvan;-
4 mulmudi aninjupoyavan ponkiredam choodi thejassil
aagamikkum naladuthitha adayalam kanunnu sadaa;-
5 kodakodi shudhar thejassil preyan mukham darshichedume
kannuner thudaykkum thrikkayal dukhamellam odippokume;-
6 kashadathakal theran kalamay kanthaneshu velippedaray
aarthiyode velathikakkam thalaeuyartham sathya sabhaye;-
P M Georgekutty Athirumkal

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