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Kode ninakku nalkappedum
Kode ninakku nalkappedum
ala ninakku alakkappedum
amarthi kulukki kavinju vezehum vannam
athinte prathiphalam praapikkume Kodu
Maria koduthatu ariyaamo bedhaani
venkal bharani parimala thylam
manap poorvamaai awal koouthallo
(ennaal) athupot neeyam kodu
vidhava koduhathu ariyamo ehiya
rande kaashu rande kaashu
thannaal aayathu koduthllo (aval)
athupot neeyum kodu
Baalan koduthathu ariyaano annu
anche apparn randu meenum
ullathu ellaan koduthallo (awan)
athupol neeyum kodu
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