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Kristheshu nayakan vanil vannidume
kristheshu nayakan vanil vannidume
dutharodothu than shuddhare cherkkuvan
haa! ethrayaanandam orkkilennullathil
haa! enthu modame svarggeya vasame!
1 lakshyangal engume kanunnu sodaraa
nalkal samepamay karthan varavinnaay
unarnnu ghoshikkam vazhthi sthuthichidam
svarloka nathhanam yeshu maheshane;-
2 aashvasamillathe lokar valayumpol
aashvasam nalkidum than makkalkkennume
aananda ganangal padidum shuddharum
aanandamodavar cherum than sannidhau;-
3 kristheshu nathhanay kashdam sahichavar
than thiru namathil thinmakal etavar
vangkum prathiphalam duthar sadassathil
santhosha purnnaraay thernnidumannavar;-
4 kahalashabdavum kettidan kalamay
marichorakshanam uyirkkum thejassil
chernnidum shuddharum svargga kananathil
vazhum yugayugam thejassil purnnaraay;-
tune of: yeshuvin snehathaal ennullam

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