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Kristhu yeshuvil vishvasiykka sathyamaay
1 Kristhuyeshuvil vishvasiykka
Sathyamaay marthyaril rakshakanivan thaan
2 lokare raksha cheytheduvan
nakam viá¹á¹ibhuvil aagamichivan than
3 bhÅ«miyil pÄpangkal kshamippan
ie manushya puthran sarvvadhikari than
4 papikaḷkkida ninnathinal
shapa mrthiyetteuyarthezhunnivan than
5 lokathil papathe chumappan
Aakashathin kezhil illa verarume
Tune of Rakshithavine kankapapee
P M Kochukuru

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