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Kristhuvin naamathe sthuthikka
kristhuvin naamathe stuthika naam dinavum
stuthika naam dinavum - stuthika naam dinavum.
1 shathruvin sakala balatheyum thakarthu
nithyamam jeevaniluyarthezhunavanaam
2 karunayin bhujathin balathaalinarare
durithangal neeki paripaalichidunna
3 paapathin bhaarathal valayunna janangal
daivathodanayuvan vazhi thuranavanam
4 naadane naam innu sthutipathu kettu
modamodavan thejusevarumarivan
5 paavana suvishesha padavikalengum
kevalamarinjeesha padathalir vanangaan
K V Simon (Mahakavi)

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