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Kristhyajeevitham pol bhagyam


Kristhyajeevitham pol
Bhagyam parilenthullu

Kristhiya jeevitham poleulloru
Mahal bhagyamam jeevitham parilendhullu

Kashtathayum pattiniyum eridunneram mana
klesam kudathe nilppan sakthi nalkunna

Parihasam cholli sathru nerku varumpol
sthothram paadi asvasippan sakthi nalkunna

Kutukaril paramaittenne pottunna nalla
pettammayil anperunna yeshu porayo?

Maratha vagdatham thanna karthave
Athil asraichu paridathil vela’cheyum njan


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