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Krushum vahichaa kunnin meethe
krushum vahicha kunninmethe pokuvatharo
klesham sahichoragathiyeppole chakuvatharo
1 sarveshvaranekasuthano?
saldootha vandithano?
suralokeninnum namme thedivanna snehithano?
2 nee vakkaal cheythorulakil
nin kai rachichorkkarikil
nee vanna neram bahumathiyayavar
thannathu kurisho
3 ennaadhiyakattan thaniye
krushedutha daivasutha
pinnaale njaanen krushumeduthu
varunnithaa krupa tha
4 en jeevithakaalam muzhuvan
nin snehamaadhuryam
paadipukazhthan nathaa tharika
navinu chathuryam
M E Cherian

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