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Kurisheduthen yeshuvine
Kurisheduthen yeshuvine
anugemikum njan adhiyam vare
bharangal neridumpol
karangalal thangidunnu
maranathin thazhvarayathilumenne
piriyatha mathurya nalla sakhi than
avan enne arinjidunnu
avaniyil karuthidunnu
aavasiya bharangal ananjidumpol
avalambamai enikavan mathramam
maridum manujarellam
marannidum snehitharum
mattamillathavan en manuvel
mahimayil vazhunnu innum enikai
theeranam parilen nal
thiru pada sevayathal
cherum njan oduvilen priyan arikil
arumayodavan enne marodanakum

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