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song/hymn lyrics

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Lokanthyam aasannamai iee yugam


lokanthyam aasannamaay ie yugam kazhiyaraay
rakshayin vaathil puttaraay
yeshu vilichidunnu-ninne(2)

1 papathin aazhathil valayuvore
shapathin bharathal thalarnnore
rakshakan ninne vilichedunnu
krupayin kaalam marannedalle
krupayugam-ithu krupayugam;- lokaa...

2 ghoramayulloru naal varunnu
bhumiyil aar ethir ninnedum
kopatheeyil veezhathe
ie raksha nee inne nededuka
krupayugam-ithu krupayugam;- lokaa...

3 suryachandradikal irundupokum
andhakaram bhuvil vyaparikkum
rakshakan ninne vilichedunnu
krupayin kaalam marannedalle
krupayugam-ithu krupayugam;- lokaa...


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