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song/hymn lyrics

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Ma ma manasam parayunnu


Mama manasam parayunnu
Ini thamasamillennu

Yeshu vanil varuvan
Avante marvel charan
Kodi visushuddarumayitteshu
Vin megathil varuvan;-

1 Maza’megangal vanil kanmeen
Peelividarthum mayil pole
Ullam thullukayay ennullam thullukayay
Kahala nadam kathil ketten
Manassu kulirthedan;-

2 Therathanayan venbal kollum
Thiramalakal polennullam
Venpel kollukayay thiru’munpil’ananjedan
Chora pakernnen jeevan
Nalkiyona-rikil cheran;-


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