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Maayayaya lokam sarvavum maayayude
Maayayaya lokam sarvavum maayayude maayaye
Kaayavum saubhaagyavum aadaayamellaam maayaye
Onnumillaathe vannathupol onnumillaathe pokume
Mannile saubhaagymellaam vittakannu pokanam
Maathaapithaa sodararum bhaaryayum thanujarum
Maanamerum snehitharum maayayude maayaye
Dhaanyavum dhanalaabhavum vishishta peedika maalika
Keerthiyeriya dehamellaam shoonyamaayi pokume
Maayayaaya chintha neekki kaaryamaaya yeshuve
Veeryamode seva cheythaal maayayellaam neengippom

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