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Mahima kanda sakshikale manavattiam
Mahima kanda sakshikale
Manavattiam thiru’sabhaye
Orungeduka belam dharichiduka
Manavalan’esuve ethirelkuvan
1 Sakala’vitha bharangalum
Muruke pattum papangalum
Vedinjiduka jeevan puthukiduka
Sthirathayode ottam thikachiduka;-
2 Palunku’kadal theerathu nam
Kalankamillathe vaniduvan
Puthiyoru paattu padiduvan
Yugayugamai anandippan;-
3 Thakarthaidi muzhakam pole
Peruvellathin irachil’pole
Hallelujah geetham padiduvan
Ullasichu mahatham koduppan;-

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