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Manavalanam yesu vannidume
Manavalanam yesu vannidume....
Madhyavana theril vannidume
Manuvelanam daivam vannidume
Manas puthiki nee oringitondo (2)
Ennayundo kanyake nee oringitondo
Nin vilakkil enne nee karuthitondo
Manvalan varumbol nee urangidelle.
Mayakkam pidichu nee mayangidelle (2)
Karthavin nadham nee kelkunundo
Kahala nadam nee kelkunnundo
Kunjattin kalyanam vannu vello...
Kunjadin kanthe nee oringitondo
Njodi nerethekulla legu sankadam
Anavadhi thejassin ayi theerum
Marthyamayethe amrthyethe prapikumbol
Maranam mari jayam vannidum

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