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Mangalam mangalam mangalame
Mangalam mangalam mangalame
Mangalam mangalam mangalame
Mangalam mangalam mangalame
1 innu vivahitharam ( ..... ykkum ...... num)
mangalam nerunnu njangalee nalneram
bhamgamillathe modal
aashisham nalkuka ennum yeshu nathha
2 jeevithappoovadiyil mullakalakum ningal
saurabhyam veeshatte kanthi parathatte
saubhagya sampoornnaray
aashisham nalkuka ennum yeshu nathha
3 sevikka yahovaye ningal kudumbamayi
Jeevitha saagara van thiramalayil
kaividaa karthanavan
aashisham nalkuka ennum yeshu nathha
Yeshuve nin paadam : enna reethi

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