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Marakkillorikkalum nee cheytha
1 marakkillorikkalum nee cheytha nanmakal
orkkathirikkumo nin danangal
piriyuvaan kazhiyilla ninne orunaalum
nin nizhal chernnu njaan gamichidatte
ellaa dinavum yahovaye vaazhthum
nee thanne ente jeevanum balavum
nin krupayillenkil njaan verum shoonyam
ninakkaay maathram njaan jeevichidum
2 daanangalellam nee thannallo
nanmakalellaam nee varshichathallo
nee en sharanam nee en upanithi
krupavarsham nee chorinjidane
3 kaalvari krooshil nee chuduninam chinthaan
svantha puthrane daanam cheytha
andhathayaalellaam vismarichu njaan
ulkkannu nee ennum thirannidane
Maramon C S

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