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Marakkukilla avan maarukillaa
1 Marakkukilla avan maarukillaa
orunalumenne kaividillaa(2)
pettamma marannalum marakkatha daivame
nin snehametrayoo avarnnaniyam(2)
priyane naathaa ne mathi enikkennum
nin sneham mathi enikkennum
nin karam mathi enikkennum
2 ie lokamenikku shasvathamalla naathaa
nin karathalenne thangiduka(2)
mayayam lokathin malinyamelkkathe
manavattiyaam enne kathiduka(2);- priyane€¦
3 nerunna vedana eeridum jevithe
nin sneham mathram njaan kandidume(2)
nin karam matramanennude aashvasam
nin thiru pathathil anayuvolam;- priyane€¦
Santhosh Pandalam

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