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Maratha snehithan manuvel than


1 Maratha snehithan manuvel thanethiru
Maaridam charidum njaan dinavum
paaridameaakave maaridum neravum
charidan than thiru maaridamam

2 khedhaemennakilum modhaemennakilum
bhedham illathoru snehithan aanavan
medhiniyil vedhanakal

3 Nithyathayolavum sathya kuttaliyai
Kristhaneallathe-illarumee bhumiyil
mrithuvinal maruemethra
mithraemaayalum marthyarellam;-

4 Bharangaleeerumee paaril nalthorumeen
Bharam chumannidum karthana-neyshu than
aathma priyan nallidayan
aardrathaeyenne pindhudarum;-

5 Aakeeilakidum lokamiethekidum
aakula velakal bheekaram aakumo?
hallelujah! - hallelujah!
paadumen jeevaekaalameellam;-


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