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Meitparey Ummai Pin Sella Siluvaiyai
1 Meitparey Ummai Pin Sella
Siluvaiyai Yedutheyen
Yelai Nan Periyonalla
Neerey Yellam Nan Vantheyen
Ummai Pin Selveyen Yenn Swami
Yenakaga Neer Maritheer
Yellarum Odinalum
Umathanpal Nan Nirpeyen
2 Petrar Utrar Asthi Kalvi
Meynmai Logam Anaithum
Arpa Kuppai Yendru Yenni
Verutheyney Mutrilum
3 Meithan Logathar Pagaipar
Ummai Munn Pagaithar
Loga Gyanigal Nagaipar
Bayameyen Neer Vidirey
4 Sarva Valla Devan Anbai
Thidan Seivar Munn Selveyen
Deva Thurogegal Ma Vambai
Seerinalum Nan Selveyen

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