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Mere Khudawand - Tere Hi Bahon Me Rehna
1 Tere Hi Bahon Me Rehna Chahu Mai
Sarvada Ant Tak (2)
Mere Khudawand Prabhu
Mere Aa Dil Me Aa
Swagat Tera Karta Hu Mai
Pure Dil Se Karta Hu Mai
2 Tere Hi Charno Pe
Sar Ko Jhukau Mai
Hardum Harpal (2)
Mere Khudawand Prabhu
Mere Aa Dil Me Aa
Swagat Tera Karta Hu Mai
Pure Dil Se Karta Hu Mai
Tujhse Hi Aitbar Hai
Ikraar Tune Kia (3)
Jijin Mathew

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