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Nallidayan enne kaividillaa
Nallidayan enne kaividillaa
Onnilum en manam patharukilla
Bharangal vannium neramathil
Yeshuvin padathil chernnu chennu
Chollidum en dukha vedanakal
Aashvasippicheedum than mozikal;-
Prathikulam anavadi eeridunne
Shathruvin kanikalil veezhathe
Chuvadonnu veyippan krupa nalkuka
Athinupari njan chodhikunnilla;-
Vishvasam kathu en oottam thikappan
Viliyin viruthine prapichidan
Shakthiyum krupaum nalkidane
Nin sannidhi njan ethum vare;-

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