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Nandiyaal ennullam thingukayaal
1 Nandhiyaal ennullam thingukayaal
Sthothrathin pallavi paadidum njaan
Ennamilla thava nanmakalkaayi
Enni enni sthuthi paadidum njaan
Hallelujia paadidum njaan
Yesuvinte sannidhiyil jeeva kaalam
Aaraadhikkum unnathane
Aathmavilum sathyathilum nithya kaalam
2 Aavashya bhaarangal eeridumbol
Aarthanaayullam kalnagidumbol
Aaval theerthe aanadhamekiyon thaan
Aashwaasa dhayakan yeshu paran
3 Karthaavariyaathe illa onnum
Jeevitha yaathrayil cholluvanaayi
Neeridum shodhana velakalil
Neekku pokkeki pularthedum thaan

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