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Nandiyallathilla cholluvaan
1 nandiyallathilla cholluvaan
yeshuve nin karunayorthaal
iee papiyamenne nedeeduvaan
thiruraktham chinthee krooshathil
ithramel ithramel
enne aazhamaay snehichidan
ennil enthu kandu nathaa
ithramel enne snehippaan
2 kazhukane nin shudha rakthathaal
niraykkane nin aathmavinaal
jeevichedum njaan krooshin sakshiyaay
sevicheedum njaan anthyam vare;-
3 alavillathathaam danangalal
anudinam pottum nathanay
pakaram enthu njan nalkedume
poornna hridayamodaradhikkum;-
4 kanthaa vanjchikkunnenteyullam
thathan ponmukham kanmathinaay
yugayugam svarga vasathinaay
muttumay orukkunnenne njaan;-
Shyju Mathew

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