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Nanmayellaam nalkeedunna
nanmayellaam nalkeedunna
nalloru Yeshu nadhan
than vazhiye pingamichal
anandham nithyamakum
Ponvelliyil Shreshtanaya
Sooriya Thejomayan
Venma vashthra dhariyaya Yeshu thamburane
aattin koottam thetti poyavan najan
ekanayei bhoomiyil
nallidayanaya Yeshu enneyum thedi vannu
krooshumaye pookum neram
enne thiranjavan
kashtathakal ettathellam
ente rakshakkai
enne thanne yagamaayi
thirumunpil eekidunnu
vereyonnum nakanille
njaan ennu nintethalle
Geogy Varghese

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