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Nee ente rajan vazhthunnu (King of my life)
1 nee ente rajan vazhthunnu
mahathvam ninakku karettunnu
nin mulkkireedam ormippan
nadattenne krushinkel
nin gethsamena bhaaravaum
nee poyathaya paathayum
mahal sneham marakkathirippan
nadatthenne krushinkal
2 chorinju nin rudhiram krushinmel
anandamam papathe pokkanai
maranathil pankaliyakuvan
nadatthenne kurshinkal
3 maranatthe jaicha jaya veeran
thiruvachanatthinu nivrithi vannu
thuranna kallaraye ormippan
nadatthenne krushinkal
4 samarppikkunnadiyan thirumunpil
nal thorum kruushu chumakkanai
chorika nin agni en navinmel
nin krushine ghoshikkan;-

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