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Nin padam gathiye ennalum sthuthiye nineynye
Nin padam gethiye ennalum sthuthiye
ninne’enniye aare pukazhthum-yeshuve
divya sneham ullil vannallo
Parisuthane paraparane
guruve krupayin varamarulka
thediyathal kandu ninne paaduvan
paattukal thanneniku;-
Puthu’ennayal puthu’belathal
puthu’krupayum puthu’geethavum
nalki nithyam nadathunnu’enne
puthiyatham shalemil cherum vare
Njerukathil njan ninne vilichu
arikil’anachu nadathi’yenne
dhesamengum alanjidathe
theevramai vannenne thaangiyallo
Bhalam tharum nal’mundhiri nee
kompayadiyan chernnu nilkum
vedippakum nee chethi’yenne
karthane nithyavum paripalikum
Ennaruma nathane en jeevane
divya naayakane
snehikunne yeshuve nin
sneha mukham ennu kandeedumo
Paripoornnamai pukazhidamai
paripavanamam kodumudiyil
vegamai njan chernnidume
Seeyone vanchayai kaathidunne

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