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Nin sannidhi mathi ha yeshuve nin prasadam
Nin sannidhi mathi ha yeshuve
Nin prasadam mathi ie enikke
van dukangalilum nin sannidhi mathi
nin sannidhi mathi innum ennum
Bhoomi ilakilum maa samudram
kopikkilum bhayam illenikku
annu nin kai mathi nin sannidhi mathi
nin sannidhi mathi innum ennum
Lokathil ekanai theerukilum
rogathaal bathithan aaideelum
threkannenmel mathi nin sannidhi mathi
nin sannidhi mathi innum ennum
Aairam aayiram vairikalal
aavruthanakilum njan bhremikka
neeyen paksham mathi nin sannindhi mathi
nin sannidhi mathi innum ennum
E I Jacob

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