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Nin sneham mathiyenikkennum
Nin sneham mathiyenikkennum
nin krupa mathiyenikkennum
iee maruyathrayil thalaraathe thangumen
yeshuvin krupa mathiyennum
thiru krupa mathiyenikkennum
1 lokathin mohangal alattumpol
karuthunnu karthan than krupayaal
sneham nadichavar akalumpol
nalla sakhiyenikke yeshu naathan;
uttvarr maarrumpol utta sakhi
urangaatha mayangaatha paripaalakan (2)
2 paapathin chettil njaan kidannappol
krupayaale eeki nithya raksha
krooshilen pidhakal thaan vahichu
priya makanayenne therthiduvaan;
iee mahaa snehathe varnnichidaan
en naavu porenikkeshu nathhaa(2)
Scaria John

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