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Nin vela njan chayum
Nin vela njan chayum
Nin sakshi aakum (2)
Nin sneham njan pakarum
Nin snehathil nilanilkkum (2)
Uyarthidum poyidum
En yeshuvinai
Pakarnidum ruchichidum
Aa krushile snehathe (2)
Puthiya thalamuraye nedan
En aarogyam daivathinai
Puthu sakthiyal njan munnerum
Nin velakkai (2) €“ Uyarthidum
Lokathin velichamekuvan
Suvisheshathin deepavumai
Yeshuvinai njan poyidum
Anthyam vare (2) - Uyarthidum
Benson Varughese

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