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Ninnekkal snehippan ennude
Ninnekkal snehippan enude aayussil
onnumundakale karthave
vandippan vazhthuvan paduvan ghoshippan
ennum ninemathi karthave
1 enneyumorthu nee kinnanaay kaalvari
kunnile krooshilen karthave
mannile mohangal onnumen kanninu
munniluyaralle karthave
2 ennazhal nenguvan ninkazhal aashrayam
ninnizhal shethalam karthave
ennirul nengkidum nin mukashobhayal
ninarul swanthanam karthave
3 ennu nee vannidum ninudal kanuvan
ennini sadhikkum karthaave
vanidum njan vegam ennura cheythapol
vanidane yeshu karthave
T K Samuel

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