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Njan aare bhayapedum ente
1 Njan aare bhayapedum
Ente viswasa jeevitahil
Bharangal eeridum snehithar maridum
Jeevitha pathakail
Yeshu ente kudeunde
Ente kottayum sharanavume
Oru sanyamente nere palayamirangiyal
Njan bhayapedilla
2 Sarefathilum keritilum
Churachediyude chuvattilum
Eeliyavine pottiya
Daivamenneyum pottidum
3 Karuthum ennu njan karuthiya
Aarum vanilla kanuvan
Karanju njan ente bharathal
Rikil vannaven snehathal;-
4 Nalaye orthu bharamo ?
Nalukal ere illini
Kahaladwni kelkuvan
Kalamillini kathidam;-

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