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Njan snehavanesuvin namathe
1 Njan sneha’vaneyshvin
Namathe ennennum vazthedume
2 Rakshkanam ente yeshu’nadan
Papiya’menneyum snehichathal
Ie divya snehathinay
Njanenthu cheyithedenam
Vazthidum than namathe
3 Rogangal vannidum nerathavan
Chare ananjenne udarikum
4 Sthanya’shodana vannidumpol
Sampurna’viyajam thannedunnu
5 Daivath’nistham njan cheitheduvan
Daiva’vaziyil nadathunnenne
6 Megathi’leshu than vannidumpol
Ennyum cherthidum nishchayamai

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