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Njanodi ninnil anayunne
1 Njaanodi ninnil anayunne
sangethamaakum van paaraye
santhosham neeyen sarv’vavum neeye
illaa mattaarum aashrayamaay
2 kannuner thookum velakalil
ennil kaniyum vallabhane
muttum tharunnu enne nin kaikalil
nin hitham polenne paniyane
3 ellaarumenne thallidumpol
yeshuve nee enne kaividalle
neerrum niraashayum vedanayum
purnnamaay maaridum nin krupayaal
4 nithya’thayolam nadanniduvaan
Athyantha’shakthi pakarnnidane
svaashvatha naattile vaasathinaay
aashayodeshuve kaathidunne
Anish Mavelil

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