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Parama Alaipin Panthaya Porulukai
Parama Alaipin Panthaya Porulukai
Nan Ilagai Nokki Odukireyen
Odukireyen Nan (2)
Yenn Yesuvukai Nan Odukireyen (2)
Halleluyah Halleluyah (4)
1 Labamana Anaithaiyumey
Nan Nashtam Yendru Karuthukireyen (2) Enakku
Yesu Rajavin Nan Odukireyen
Halleluyah Halleluyah (4)
2 Ethanaithan Idaralkal Vanthalum
Visuvasuthiley Nilaithirupeyen (2)
Yennakaga Appa Niyamitha
Intha Pathaiyil Nan Odukireyen
3 Yenn Manavalan Yenn Yesu Rajavai
Nan Kanavey (Nan) Vanjikireyen (2)
Yenn Asai Ellam Yenn Yesuthaney
Avar Ponnmugam Than Nan
Parkanumey (2)
Halleluyah Halleluyah (4)

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