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Parama guruvaranaam yeshuve nee
Paramaguruvaranaam yeshuve nee
varam thaa praarthhana cheythidaan
iruvarÄ“o mÅ«varÄ“o-thirunaÄmathil
varikil varum ennaruḷiyoÄne
thiru sÄnniddhyaá¹ sadÄ nalkaṇaá¹
Å›haraṇaá¹ ne mÄthramen nÄthhane
1 thirumumpil kazhikkunna prÄrtthanaykkutharaá¹
aruḷaṇamÄ“ priya nÄthhanÄ“
manam nonthu yÄchana cheyyumpozhellÄá¹
kanivinte uṟavukaḷ thuṟannavane(2);- parama...
2 janaá¹ ninnil aÄnandichÄ«duvÄnavaril
veṇdum nin jevane nalkaṇē
mÄḷikayil thava dÄsaril nalkiya
vara meá¹…gkaḷkkaruḷuka Ä«e tharuṇaá¹(2);- parama...
3 anavadhiyÄvaÅ›hyaá¹…gkaḷ thiru savidhÄ“
uyarthunnu viÅ›hvÄsakaykaḷÄl
aÅ›haraṇar aÄkular rogikaḷÄyor
karuṇayin karathalaá¹ kaṇdedaá¹á¹e(2);- parama...
P D John

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